Carrie Shanafelt
Carrie Shanafelt
Carrie Shanafelt is Lecturer of c18-19 British and American Literature at Yeshiva University. She has published in Revue d’études benthamiennes, Eighteenth-Century Studies, The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory, CEA Forum, and volumes on Samuel Johnson and David Hume. Her book Uncommon Sense: Jeremy Bentham, Queer Aesthetics, and the Politics of Taste is available from University of Virginia Press. She is writing a second book on Atlantic slavery and finance in the eighteenth century. She is the philosophy reviews editor for the Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, the 2024-25 chair of the Columbia University Seminar in Eighteenth-Century European Culture, and the Treasurer of the Johnsonians.
Carrie grew up in Shawnee, Kansas, and moved to Cleveland, Ohio in 1997 for college, where she studied Spanish and English literatures and minored in Political Science. She continued at CWRU to write an M.A. thesis on rhetoric and Henry Fielding. In 2003, she moved to Brooklyn, New York, to study at the CUNY Graduate Center. Her 2011 dissertation was "Common Sense: The Rise of Narrative in the Age of Self-Evidence." From 2011 to 2014, she served as a visiting professor at Franklin & Marshall College and Grinnell College before moving back to New York City to begin at Fairleigh Dickinson University, where she was tenured and promoted to associate professor in 2021. In 2023 she resigned from FDU to begin teaching at Yeshiva College at YU. She lives in the Bronx.
Publications and Lectures
Publications and Lectures
In progress: A World of Debt: Atlantic Slavery and Public Finance, 1694-1834
Uncommon Sense: Jeremy Bentham, Queer Aesthetics, and the Politics of Taste
Special issue on Queer Utilitarianism for Revue d’études benthamiennes
“Ottobah Cugoano on British Slavery, National Debt, and Speculative Finance”
“Jeremy Bentham and the Pleasures of Fiction”
“‘A World of Debt’: Quobna Ottobah Cugoano, The Wealth of Nations, and the End of Finance”
“Jeremy Bentham and the Aesthetics of Sexual Difference”
“Against Rights: Jeremy Bentham on Sexual Liberty and Legal Reform”
"The 'Plexed Artistry' of Nabokov and Johnson"
"On Teaching Gothic Fiction and Non-Empiricist Aesthetics"
"Vicarious Sex and the Vulnerable Eighteenth-Century Reader"
"The Rhetoric of Consensus: Hume and Fielding on Moral Sentiment"
Of Speculative Enterprise: Public Theaters and Financial Markets in London, 1688-1763 by Mattie Burkert
Of Downward Mobility: The Form of Capital and the Sentimental Novel by Katherine Binhammer
Of Making Love: Sentiment and Sexuality in Eighteenth-Century British Literature by Paul Kelleher
Of The Impotency Poem from Ancient Latin to Restoration Literature by Hannah Lavery
Selected Lectures and Presentations
2025 “Queer Utilitarianism,” Invited panel on the 2024 Revue d’études benthamiennes issue
“Ottobah Cugoano on National Debt and Disaster Capitalism,” Invited Symposium
2024 “Aesthetics and Queer Historiography” with Dustin Friedman, NASSR Seminar
“‘One common Bastille’: Jeremy Bentham on Colonialism and Public Debt”
“Ottobah Cugoano on Financial Speculation Beyond Life”
2023 “Ottobah Cugoano on British Slavery, National Debt, and Speculative Finance”
Invited Lecture: “Jeremy Bentham’s Queer Enlightenment”
“Jeremy Bentham on Sinister Interest and Queer Aesthetics”
Invited Lecture: “Bentham and Queer Theology”
Roundtable: “Public Debt as Extractive Violence”
“Jeremy Bentham’s Queer Reading”
2022 Invited Lecture: “Quobna Ottobah Cugoano on Slavery’s Moral and Financial Debt”
Invited Lecture: “Jeremy Bentham on Queer Aesthetics”
Invited Lecture: “Ottobah Cugoano”
Panel Chair: “Before Homophobia: Queer Desire in the Restoration” Aphra Behn Society
Public Lecture: “Jeremy Bentham on Queer Theology and Radical Liberation”
Invited Lecture: “Jeremy Bentham and the Politics of Queer Aesthetics”
Invited Lecture: “Jeremy Bentham on the Pleasures of the Bed”
2021 Roundtable: “Jeremy Bentham on Dyslogism and Sexual Nonconformity”
“Quobna Ottobah Cugoano on Debt as Desubjectification”
“Quobna Ottobah Cugoano and the End of Finance”
2019 “Sexual Liberty and Happiness”
Invited Lecture: “Cugoano’s Economics: Urban Space and Labor in an Eighteenth-Century Slavery Narrative”
Roundtable: “A Problematic Period? Teaching the Eighteenth Century”
Invited Lecture: “The Trouble with Bentham” (video)
“Against Rights: Jeremy Bentham and the Aesthetics of Sexual Liberty”
2018 "Allegorical Rhetoric in Eighteenth-Century British Fiction"
Public Lecture: “Gothic Novels, Vulnerable Readers”
"Jeremy Bentham's Queer Christ"
2017 Invited Lecture: "Pleasure in the Age of Shelley"
"Aesthetics of Trauma in Infinite Jest"
2016 "Ottobah Cugoano and Economic Philosophy"
Invited Lecture: "The Vulnerable Reader in Eighteenth-Century British Fiction"
2015 "Bentham on the Aesthetics of Sexual Taste"
Courses Taught
Courses Taught
Writing and Methods